Month: April 2015

Marketing, Design and More

To Keep Your Pharmacy’s POS System Safe, Avoid These Three Common Mistakes

Small pharmacies have a lot of responsibilities to manage: not only do they have to function as retail stores and provide consumers with high-quality products, but they also have to provide prescription medications and make sure that every single patient is treated correctly and carefully. One small mistake can be really costly for any pharmacy,…
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Microsoft Reportedly Plans to Shift to Mobile Cloud Services

While most modern computer users likely can’t imagine a world without Microsoft, the company is younger than many people realize: it celebrated only its 40th anniversary on April 4, 2015. The past few years have been tumultuous for the brand, with competition from Apple and other companies often stealing the spotlight with their revolutionary innovations.…
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Why B2B Businesses Need a Good Lead Generation Strategy

B2B and online marketing are two things that go hand-in-hand, and in the digital world today, B2B transactions depend quite a bit on successful online marketing and advertising campaigns. Specifically, B2B lead generation is something that any good B2B internet marketing agency will focus on. Here are just a few basic points about why B2B…
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