Using the Right Microscope for the Job

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Using the Right Microscope for the Job

For many years, microscopes have allowed human beings to explore the finer details of the tiny universe of living cells and even atomic particles, and a microscope unlocks the world of details and items that is far too small for the naked human eye to observe. Invented centuries ago, microscopes today have branched out into numerous brands such as Dino-Lite and more, and some microscopes have particular features and capabilities for specific types of work. Some microscopes are used by everyday consumers for their own interests and amusement, while major brand such as Dino-Lite and others build microscopes such as a digital microscope or even cell phone apps for industrial work. The best Android microscope app, for example, may be an ideal app of someone’s choosing to view the tiny world through their smart phone, and while the best Android microscope app is an option for consumers, professionals may make use of even stronger microscope cameras or more so that they can get their work done.

History of the Microscope

How far back does this invention go? Even the best digital USB microscopes or the best Android microscope app owes its existence to an early model. During the Renaissance, in the year 1590, an unknown person invented the first microscope as we know it, and a certain Hans Lippershey filed the first patent for a telescope, while other sources say that Hans and Zacharias Janssen, spectacle makers from the same town as Lippershey, may have had a hand in the microscope’s invention. A little later, in 1625, the Italian scientist Francesco Stelluti had made the world’s first microscopic observations, and he published drawings of a bee as seen through his microscope. Later, in 1683, microscopes allowed the Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek to make the first-ever drawings of bacteria. At first, microscopes were used to study insects and thus were nicknamed “flea glasses,” but microscopes were soon used for other observations, too, such as when Robert Hooke observed cork cells with a microscope in 1665. And ever since these early beginnings, microscopes have been used to observe minute details of the living world, rocks, and man-made items of all kinds.

Microscopes Today

A combination of modern technology and new fields of science and industry that require observation of minute details has resulted in many new microscope types. Some are meant for consumers’ amusement, such as the best Android microscope app a person can find, and the best Android microscope app can allow a user to zoom in far on any surface they can find, from the skin of their palm to pet hair to tiny computer parts or even insects. More work-oriented microscopes tend to be their own dedicated device rather than a smart phone app, and they tend to be much more powerful than even the best Android microscope app, and may have alternate methods of viewing tiny details and items.

Some microscopes today may zoom in thousands or even millions of times on their sample materials, opening up many new details that would be impossible to detect otherwise, and they may work with visible light or electronic means, and the most powerful electron microscopes can even tell apart individual atoms using specialized means. What sort of work calls for such power? For example, geologists will need microscopes to observe very small details in rocks and minerals to classify them and look for anything unusual, and those who work with tiny and delicate machines such as computer parts may need microscopes of one kind or another to observe very small items that are being installed or repaired. And scientists and doctors certainly have use for microscopes to view cells in a patient’s tissues or observe bacteria or microscopic parasites, and taxonomy and study of small life such as insects and arachnids may be made much easier with a microscope. A microscope, for example, allows a scientist to tell apart and identify species of mosquitoes, flies, mites, and other very small forms of life. Microscopes may also often be used to observe bacteria to figure out new ways to resist contagion, and doctors can use microscopes to observe the cells of a patient to diagnose problems or track medicine’s progress.

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