The Internet and Its Contributions to Executive Level Hiring

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The Internet and Its Contributions to Executive Level Hiring

Hr executive recruiters

The internet has improved job accessibility over the years. Now that we have access to interaction and social communication all over the world, we also have access to better job placement. Businesses are able to search for and communicate with high level employees by simply opening their computer. Additionally, outplacement services have a greater inventory of the most highly experienced executives. The internet has contributed to greater job placements for the following reasons.

Easier to communicate

Outplacement services and in house human resources professionals are able to better communicate with potential executive level employees. In previous years, an entire meeting had to be scheduled, sometimes across the country or even the world. The potential candidate might have found it difficult to meet with the new employer, because of current employment demands. Additionally, the hiring business or the executive placement agency often had to foot an expensive travel and meeting bill. Today, however, meetings can take place quickly over the internet, yet still in a face to face manner. This ease of communication has made it easier to communicate with multiple employers and employees.

Increase in confidentiality

Confidentiality is an important factor in outplacement services. According to a 2016 Gallup Poll, Millennials are the job hopping generation, with 6 in 10 open to a new job at any given time, more than any other generation. Many human resources consulting firms are communicating with executive level employees who are currently in another position. Although the person has expressed interest in leaving, they will usually not do so unless the process is entirely confidential. When communication involved travel and meeting, confidentiality was more difficult to achieve. With the internet, potential employees can meet with HR consulting and the employer technologically. The process is extremely discreet and simple.

Greater databases of executive employees

Before the internet, outplace services had to rely on word of mouth. They had to constantly check up with interested executive level employees. They also had to physically reach out to potential executives to add to the database. This process was time consuming and did not always produce the most accurate of results. The internet has made it easier to enter and exit executive HR search firms databases, all with the click of a button. Outplacement professionals can narrow down search results, selecting only the most qualified and interested candidates. This cuts down on time and produces better matches.

Better job matches

Online databases make it easier to highlight executive candidate?s experiences and skills. A recent survey by Robert Half showed that one third (36%) of 1,400 executives surveyed felt the top factor leading to a failed hire, aside from performance issues, is a poor skills match. The second most common reasons (30%) was unclear performance objectives. Online programs allow outplacement agencies to choose the best executive candidates that specifically match the required skills of the position. This leads to fewer failed hires and greater overall results.

The internet has contributed to many parts of our daily lives. It has substantially affected the business and hiring industries. Locating executive candidates once was a word of mouth process. This did not always result in the best candidates, thus affecting the success of the business. Today, outplacement HR services can quickly search for and connect the best executive level employees. The employees can meet over the internet in an extremely confidential manner. This process has led to many successful hires and will continue to change the way the job placement world works.

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